We’re proud to announce that ThinkCode’s official iOS App has just been approved by the App Store! If we built your website using our CMS, you’ll be able to login with the credentials we’ve provided you upon completion of your website, just like you would on your computer, right on your iOS device running iOS 7 or higher!
Features Include:
- Adding multiple websites, and remaining logged into all of them, simultaneously.
- Modifying existing pages and posts.
- Creating new pages or posts, opting to save them as a draft, publish them, password protect them or queue them for later.
- Taking a photo or video and embedding it into a page or post right within the app.
- Selecting the post format from your website’s list of accepted default post formats.
- Setting the featured image of a post.
- Tagging and categorizing posts.
- Editing, flagging, deleting or approving comments or pingbacks pending moderation.
- Unapproving comments or pingbacks which have already been approved.
- Replying to comments within the app.
- Previewing the site, page or post you’re working on.
- Specifying media upload quality.
We are currently working on optimizing it for iPhone 6 Plus, and an Android version, so stay tuned for updates!